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Lip fillers are one of the fastest-growing, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in America today. In fact, more than 2.5 million patients in 2020 received injections of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Juvéderm® and Restylane®, a number that is up approximately 60% since 2000. Most patients are quite satisfied with the results, but some feel differently and undergo lip filler removal procedures.

Fortunately, when completed by a qualified and experienced medical professional, dissolving a lip filler is a relatively simple, safe, and effective way to reverse the cosmetic effects of filler-based lip augmentation. However, as with researching the initial procedure itself, it’s important to learn about the details of lip filler removal before undergoing the procedure. This guide provides readers with a broad overview of the different methods available for dissolving lip fillers as well as information on what to expect during and after the process.

The Basics of Lip Fillers

The use of lip fillers as a means to even out and plump up the lips steadily rose in popularity in the 2000s, thanks to celebrities and influencers who increasingly discussed their own experiences with this popular cosmetic procedure. However, not all lip fillers are the same, which is important to note before choosing one of these options.

Two different types of soft tissue fillers are used for lips. Popular hyaluronic acid (HA)-based fillers include Juvéderm® and Restylane®, which are simple to dissolve using enzyme dissolvers like hyaluronidase. On the other hand, fillers like Sculptra® and Radiesse®, do not dissolve. Instead, patients must see a plastic surgeon to remove these substances.

Understanding the Side Effects of Lip Fillers

It’s important to note that, unless doing so for health or safety reasons, patients should wait for at least a week before considering lip filler removal, primarily because one of the most common side effects of lip fillers is swelling. After the initial procedure, it takes at least 24 to 48 hours to see the real results, but most doctors recommend patients wait at least 7 days to see the full results. Before that time, factors such as genetics and individual immune responses may make the lips appear larger or more uneven than they will eventually become.

Why Would You Want to Dissolve Lip Fillers?

The placement of lip filler needs to be precise, which is why visiting a respected medical spa or plastic surgery practice for the initial filler procedure is so important. Otherwise, issues could arise that ultimately make visiting an experienced medical practice for lip filler removal necessary.

If that happens, experienced staff at The Rejuva Center can examine the original results and determine if they can fix or enhance the results using enzyme-based dissolvers and/or different or additional filler products that they can place in a more natural, even manner.

The other common reason patients remove lip fillers is that they simply change their minds. A good lip filler can last for six to 12 months, but beauty trends and individual tastes can change more often than that. In these cases, a patient may want to tweak their look by dissolving some or all of their lip filler.

Signs You Might Want to Remove Lip Fillers

Many people choose to remove lip fillers because they don’t like the results. For example, uneven distribution of filler or overfilling the lips can lead to an unbalanced look or lips that seem too large. Others may want to remove lip fillers because of issues that arose after the initial procedures, such as lip filler migration. This occurs when the filler travels to other areas in and around the lips, causing an uneven, uncomfortable, and unattractive effect.

The Different Methods of Lip Filler Removal

HA lip fillers can only be dissolved safely one way — through the injection of Hyalase®, a substance that contains an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which dissolves HA. However, the approaches available to patients for lip filler removal can vary.

Some patients may only want to remove a build-up of HA that has resulted in small bumps forming along the lips. Others may want to gently reduce the volume of their lips, while others may want to eliminate all fillers whatsoever. In the first two cases, one 15-minute procedure may solve the problem. In the last case, patients may have to return for additional Hyalase® injections.

What to Expect During a Lip Filler Dissolving Procedure

The procedure for dissolving lip filler is similar to the procedure used to inject the filler in the first place. To begin with, patients meet with their practitioners to discuss their reasons for wanting to dissolve their lip fillers, including looking at lip filler before and after photos to get a sense of what the patient wants from the lip filler removal process. They will develop a plan to achieve the patient’s desired results.

First, depending on whether the patient wants some or all of their lip filler dissolved, the practitioner either dilutes the Hyalase® or begins the injections. Except in cases where they need to dissolve hard bumps, practitioners inject Hyalase® strategically all around the lips, with the goal of evenly and naturally dissolving the filler in a way that helps patients achieve the look they want.

Recovery Tips and Aftercare Instructions

Immediately following lip filler removal procedures, practitioners clean the lip area and apply a balm or cream to help stimulate healing. Patients should also follow aftercare instructions similar to their original lip filler procedure instructions, including applying ice to the area and avoiding pursing the lips or exposing them to direct sunlight for the first 24 hours.

For substantial lip filler dissolving procedures, patients should see an immediate effect, but as with the original procedure, it takes time for swelling to reduce. The full effects of the procedure won’t be apparent for at least 24 hours and possibly up to seven days.

Final Thoughts and Takeaways

Like the decision to have the initial procedure, choosing to dissolve lip filler is a personal choice. Patients should carefully consider not only whether they want to undergo the procedure in the first place, but who they trust to complete it. Finding an experienced practitioner is vital, not only for the safe removal of the filler but also because experienced staff can help to reshape the lips in a more natural manner by dissolving the right amount of filler to help the patient achieve their desired results.

At The Rejuva Center at Williams in Albany, NY, we know that the first step to successfully removing lip filler is listening to our patients and understanding their concerns and ultimate goals. Our staff members have decades of experience applying and removing lip fillers in Albany, NY, in a way that gives patients the results they want and leaves them satisfied with the experience.

We want our patients to have the confidence to make informed decisions about their cosmetic procedures. Call or make an appointment today to learn more about what the experienced, professional staff at The Rejuva Center can do to help you with a lip filler removal procedure.

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