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In the summer of 2022, the hashtag #lipfillermigration began to trend on TikTok. The related series of videos were vlog-style posts that reviewed the disappointing effects of lip filler migration among some users.

However, despite the hashtag’s popularity (more than 2 million tags as of August 2022), the real story regarding the facts and risk of migrating lip fillers is not so simple. Lip filler migration is a known risk; however, it does not happen frequently and is very treatable.

What Is Lip Filler Migration?

As the name implies, lip filler migration happens when a dermal filler used to add volume to someone’s lips moves from its original injection site to another, non-desirable area.

In almost all cases, this means the filler moved just a millimeter or two, but that movement changes the result of a lip filler procedure.

In some cases, the migration places the filler above the lip line, creating a small ledge or shelf along the vermillion border of the upper lip. Filler can also migrate inward in both the upper and lower lips, creating small, unnatural lumps throughout the area.

How Common Is Lip Filler Migration?

Although there are no firm statistics regarding lip filler migration, there is always the risk that this may happen. Usually the risk is minor, and is seen more with poor injection technique, or when lips are overfilled too quickly. Although there is a risk for migration with filler injections, rest assured that if this happens it is very easily corrected.

How Can You Fix Lip Filler Migration?

Medical professionals use three main types of fillers for cosmetic purposes: calcium hydroxyapatite, poly-l-lactic acid, and hyaluronic acid. Of these, hyaluronic acid fillers, which include Restylane® and Juvéderm®, carry the highest risk for migration.

However, hyaluronic acid fillers are also the only fillers that can easily be dissolved using a substance called hyaluronidase.

Because lip filler migration is not common and is easily reversible, hyaluronic acid fillers are the most popular option for filling the lips. They are safe, effective, and allow patients the option to reverse the effects of the filler if they do not like their results or experience migration.

Can You Prevent Lip Filler Migration?

The risk for migration remains small, but patients who are still hesitant may want to explore other options for achieving the look of fuller lips, such as the Botox® lip flip procedure. This option doesn’t last as long or give as dramatic of a result as fillers, but it can be a good alternative choice for some patients.

For those who choose to use hyaluronic acid lip fillers, it is possible to take steps to prevent lip filler migration. First, it’s important to be careful and selective when it comes to your lip filler procedure. Start by finding a trusted medical office with a good reputation for injecting lip fillers. Experienced medical staff can ensure the lip filler injections are spaced and positioned appropriately, which will reduce the risk of filler migration.

In addition, patients should take the “slow and steady” approach to adding filler. Most medical professionals agree that injecting more than one syringe of filler at a time into the lips, increases the risk of lip filler migration.

Patients should make sure to follow appropriate aftercare instructions after lip filler procedure to reduce risk of migration as well. For example, it’s important to avoid pursing the lips for the first 48 hours following filler application. This means avoiding actions such as smoking and drinking through straws.

Patients should also be aware of the lip filler swelling stages and how to manage them. This includes icing the area and avoiding sun exposure for the first 24 hours to help the lips heal.

Learn More About Lip Filler Options

Patients interested in achieving the full, even lips of their dreams should not allow the fear of lip filler migration to stand in their way. Not only is lip filler migration highly uncommon, but it is both preventable and reversible.

At The Rejuva Center at Williams in Albany, New York, our experienced medical staff can help you decide if lip filler is the right option for you or if a different procedure, such as a Botox® lip flip, may be a better choice. To view real results from our clients, be sure to view our before and after lip fillers photo gallery.

Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your lip filler consultation.

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