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Aging is a natural process that affects everyone at some point, but with all the modern advancements in skincare in the past few decades, both women and men now have various tools and techniques to choose from to combat the visible signs of growing older. One revolutionary method is a process known as microneedling, a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is used to help patients address a variety of skin conditions, including wrinkles, stretch marks, acne scars, and enlarged pores.

The cosmetic skincare professionals at The Rejuva Center at Williams in Albany, New York, have successfully employed microneedling procedures for several years, helping hundreds of patients address some of the most common signs of aging in a low-risk way.

However, those who are unfamiliar with the microneedling process may find the term confusing or maybe even intimidating at first. We designed this blog to clear up any misconceptions and address those concerns by providing a comprehensive guide that explains how microneedling can help eliminate wrinkles, scars, and many other skin issues. Let’s start by exploring how microneedling helps reverse the signs of aging and provides patients with the youthful, radiant skin they desire.

Understanding Microneedling

Also known as percutaneous collagen induction therapy, microneedling treatments use a dermaroller or a dermapen with tiny needles to create precise, controlled micro-injuries on the skin for the purpose of stimulating collagen production and rejuvenating the skin’s appearance. The microscopic punctures are so small they are not visible to the naked eye; however, the immune system responds, in the same way, it would respond to a “real” injury. The resulting collagen-building response improves the look and elasticity of the skin, both in the short and long term.

Benefits of Microneedling for Aging Skin

Collagen production naturally decreases as we age. As a result, to recreate the natural elasticity and smooth appearance of more youthful skin, it’s necessary to increase the amount of collagen the skin produces. This is exactly the purpose of the microneedling process.

The body’s natural immune response to the tiny punctures created by microneedling causes the skin to begin the two-step process of repairing itself. First, the skin produces an inflammatory response, which immediately increases its volume, creating a plumper look. Next, to heal the punctures over time, the skin increases its production of collagen, the substance responsible for making the skin smooth, elastic, and youthful looking. By strategically placing the punctures created by the microneedles, practitioners can target areas of concern, including zones with visible fine lines and wrinkles.

In addition to the benefits of the natural response created by microneedling, this unique approach to skin rejuvenation does not include the use of heat or lasers. Therefore, patients with melasma or hyperpigmentation issues can safely use microneedling to treat wrinkles without the risk of worsening the discoloration of their skin.

Other Conditions Microneedling Treats

Although many patients employ microneedling for its unique and natural ability to reduce wrinkles and reverse the signs of aging, microneedling treatments and the related immune system response can also address other common skin concerns both on the face and in other areas of the body. Additional treatment options include:

  • Acne scars
  • Burns
  • Enlarged pores
  • Hair loss
  • Stretch marks
  • Surgical scars

Patients interested in addressing these co-occurring skin conditions along with enjoying the potential benefits of fighting the signs of aging using microneedling should speak with a trusted practitioner like those found at The Rejuva Center for more information.

Microneedling Procedure and Aftercare

Once patients decide to take advantage of the benefits of microneedling, it’s important that they understand what to expect, including how many treatments patients usually need as well as what happens during and after a microneedling procedure. As with most non-invasive anti-aging treatments, it typically takes time, patience, and proper care to see the best results from microneedling.

Microneedling Treatment Plan Basics

To achieve the best results, most practitioners recommend a series of three to five microneedling treatments that are spaced between two to four weeks apart. The idea is to continually stimulate the skin to heal over a short span of time to maintain the increased production of collagen for a longer period.

Depending on the condition of a patient’s skin and the desired results, each procedure may concentrate on the same areas or target adjacent areas to create more volume and smoothness throughout the face or zone being treated. Patients who are addressing additional skin issues, such as acne scarring, may need additional or more frequent treatments to see the best results.

What to Expect During a Microneedling Procedure

The average microneedling procedure only takes about half an hour, but most patients need to undergo several steps before treatment takes place. First, their practitioner cleanses the treatment area to eliminate any dirt or makeup and then applies a numbing gel or cream, such as lidocaine. The lidocaine usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes to take effect, and the patient must wait to ensure the area is sufficiently numb before treatment begins.

Once the procedure begins, the practitioner uses a hand roller and/or electric pen fitted with a series of small needles, each about 0.5 to 2.5 millimeters long. They carefully move the roller or pen around the targeted areas of the face, creating small punctures that will stimulate the body’s immune response. Most patients report little to no pain and state that the procedure feels warm or a bit like scratching the face.

Microneedling Aftercare Tips

Generally, patients wait in their treatment rooms for a few minutes following their microneedling procedures, just to make sure they don’t have any adverse effects. Microneedling is an outpatient procedure, and patients can safely return to work or go home right afterward. In terms of aftercare, many patients enjoy the cooling sensation of an ice pack on the more tender areas of the face, especially after the lidocaine wears off. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen, can provide some relief for discomfort in the first 24 hours.

Although most patients report that they are able to comfortably wear makeup after 24 hours following the procedure, it is extremely important to avoid sun exposure until the skin heals. Common side effects include slight bruising, flaking of the skin, and a warm or “tight” feeling in the skin in the days following treatment. In general, it takes about 6 to 12 months for the full effects of microneedling to be fully apparent.

Additional Tips for Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling is just one of many effective ways to combat the signs of aging without surgery. Medical spas, such as The Rejuva Center, frequently use microneedling in combination with other non-surgical treatments to enhance the look of the skin. For example, because of the small punctures microneedling creates in the skin, combining it with other topical treatments, such as Retin A and chemical peels, can have an additional positive effect. In these cases, patients undergo the chemical peel first to exfoliate the skin and then proceed with microneedling.

In other cases, patients combine microneedling with Botox® and laser treatments. Talk to your practitioner about how these combinations treatments can produce more effective results to help you achieve the radiant, youthful look you want.

Microneedling Treatments with The Rejuva Center

If you are interested in learning more about what microneedling can do for you or how to use it in combination with other treatments to address wrinkles and other common signs of aging, book a consultation at The Rejuva Center today. Our experienced medical professionals can help you design a treatment plan that includes microneedling to get you started on restoring and rejuvenating your skin.

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